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An article in the Guardian Low-traffic schemes benefit everyone, not just better-off, finds study led us to the November 2020 report: LTNs for all? Mapping the extent of London’s new Low Traffic Neighbourhoods November 2020. The numbers in this report show that:

...there is no evidence schemes that try to limit "rat-running" traffic along residential streets disproportionately benefit better-off households, research has concluded, contradicting a common view cited by objectors.

The Guardian reports that the evidence that LTNs are good for your health is overwhelming. If you live in an LTN you, and your children, will breathe cleaner air, and be more likely to walk or cycle short journeys. A major hospital charity is so convinced that LTNs are good for health that they are funding one:

The health and social benefits of reducing motor traffic are so substantial that a hospital charity is paying to install temporary low-traffic neighbourhood (LTN) measures in a London borough. … The proposed LTN measures are in line with the charity's 10-year programmes to reduce childhood obesity and improve air quality.

In case you hadn't twigged what broadsheet we've been reading recently, here's a brilliant FAQ by The Guardian on LTNs. Obviously, we were there first...

Huffington Post carries an opinion piece by Jon Burke, councillor and cabinet member for energy, waste, transport, and public realm in the London Borough of Hackney. The following quote sums up Councillor Burke's thoughts nicely:

Private cars, in particular, should be placed at the bottom of a transport hierarchy that prioritises the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users, and our communities first.

Councillor Burke is pretty vocal on social media - check out his Twitter feed for starters.

And, last but not least, a critical reminder by our very own John Hartley, published in the Islington Gazette on 1 November: Less traffic will help local shops, which draws attention to the major benefits of LTNs for our local economy.