After 2 years of waiting, finally, the Council are giving us our chance of a Liveable Neighbourhood.
Liveable Neighbourhoods will have quiet, pleasant streets with less traffic where you can safely and comfortably walk, cycle, scoot and use buggies and wheelchairs. They will create new, greener and revitalised public spaces where communities can come together and flourish.
The previous Liveable Neighbourhoods were introduced under emergency measures due to the pandemic, which meant there was no time for engaging with residents prior to implementing them.
This time the Council will be engaging with us all the way through the process. Right now, they need our ideas so they can begin putting together some plans. It’s also very important that we go to this meeting to demonstrate that there is massive demand for a reduction in traffic in Laycock and Barnsbury. We must not let a few noisy naysayers drown out the community’s wish for quiet, safe streets, for people on foot or on bike, and especially for the children.
Here is the Council’s invitation, from Matthew Bunce,
On behalf of your local councillors, I would like to invite you to our Ward Partnership Meeting for Barnsbury.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday 15 November
Time: 6pm-7.30pm (please arrive from 5.45pm to sign in, for a prompt 6pm start)
Address: Islington West Library, Bridgeman Road, N1 1BD – The meeting will take place in the downstairs hall
Refreshments will be available.
What to expect?
At this meeting we will be discussing a liveable neighbourhood for Barnsbury.
As a first step in this process, we want to hear your ideas about how we can make Barnsbury a cleaner, greener and healthier neighbourhood.
Officers and councillors will be available to take questions and hear your views about what you want to see improved in the area and how we can deliver this as part of a liveable neighbourhood in Barnsbury.
As part of the session there will be an interactive exercise to capture your ideas for the area.
If you have any questions about the liveable neighbourhood project, please feel free to contact us on

The area for our Liveable Neighbourhood, now being called Barnsbury Laycock, is the red line on this map (the black lines show the wards). So, if you live, or work, or walk or wheel through this area please come along on the 15th and share your thoughts for how this area could be made quieter, safer, greener - just better spaces to be in.