Canonbury Square is Islington’s oldest square and one of the most notable in London. Former residents include George Orwell, Evelyn Waugh and the painter Vanessa Bell. It’s also home to the Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art.

With its gardens and mature trees, it could be a delightful public space in a borough with all too few of them. A place that welcomes those who want to sit and relax.

Van driving the wrong side of the road around two 90 degree blind bends

Instead, it is a hub for motorised traffic which brings noise and pollution for residents. The square is too dangerous to visit as there are no safe ways to cross the surrounding roads due to the amount of motor traffic. Motor vehicles frequently overtake on the two 90 degree blind bends. Speaking to local residents, we're aware that crashes are a frequent occurence.

As a borough Islington has the lowest number of public green spaces in the country, so it's hugely disappointing that this valuable space is instead prioritised as a cut through for motorised vehicles travelling east to west across our borough.